Visual Basic Source Code
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BASIC Source File
198 lines
' (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1993. All rights reserved.
' You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and
' distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in
' any way you find useful, provided that you agree that
' Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any
' Sample Application Files which are modified.
Option Base 1
Type dopt
opt1 As Integer
opt2 As Integer
opt3 As Integer
opt4 As Integer
opt5 As Integer
opt6 As Integer
opt7 As Integer
opt8 As Integer
opt9 As Integer
opt10 As Integer
opt11 As Integer
opt12 As Integer
opt13 As Integer
opt14 As Integer
End Type
Type chex
chek1 As Integer
chek2 As Integer
chek3 As Integer
chek4 As Integer
chek5 As Integer
chek6 As Integer
chek7 As Integer
chek8 As Integer
chek9 As Integer
End Type
Type chexs8
shek1 As Integer
shek2 As Integer
shek3 As Integer
shek4 As Integer
shek5 As Integer
shek6 As Integer
shek7 As Integer
shek8 As Integer
End Type
Type feeld
fd1 As String * 30
fd2 As String * 30
fd3 As String * 30
fd4 As String * 30
fd5 As String * 30
fd6 As String * 30
fd7 As String * 30
fd8 As String * 30
fd9 As String * 30
fd10 As String * 30
fd11 As String * 30
fd12 As String * 30
fd13 As String * 30
fd14 As String * 30
fd15 As String * 30
fd16 As String * 30
fd17 As String * 30
fd18 As String * 30
fd19 As String * 30
fd20 As String * 30
End Type
Type crazy
patid As Long
sex As Integer
dayt As String * 8
tyme As String * 8
theoption As dopt
chicks As chex
chk1 As Integer
chk2 As Integer
name As String * 13
relation As String * 11
home As String * 12
work As String * 12
hed1 As String * 1000
d1 As chexs8
d2 As chexs8
d3 As chexs8
d4 As chexs8
mdi1count As Integer
mdi1 As feeld
mdi2count As Integer
mdi2 As feeld
mdi3count As Integer
mdi3 As feeld
sumcount As Integer
sum1 As feeld
End Type
Type formflag
idf As Integer
ass1 As Integer
ass2 As Integer
medh As Integer
ass3 As Integer
mdif As Integer
sumf As Integer
End Type
Global ok As formflag
Global patrecord As crazy
Global temprecord As crazy
Global picloc As Integer
Global clearrecord As crazy
Global numrecs As Long
Global recindex As Long
Global TYPECHECK As Integer
Global nofocuscalls As Integer
Global restored As Integer
Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi" (ByVal hDestDC%, ByVal X%, ByVal Y%, ByVal nWidth%, ByVal nHeight%, ByVal hSrcDC%, ByVal XSrc%, ByVal YSrc%, ByVal dwrop&) As Integer
Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Integer
Declare Sub freelibrary Lib "Kernel" (ByVal hLibModule As Integer)
Global ID$
Global inkID$
Global curpatID As Long
Global newflag As Integer
Global menuchoice As String
Global lHandle As Integer
Global currpatient As Integer
Global patientID(13) As Long
Global Const pixel = 3
Global Const twips = 1
Global Const MainCompanyCaption$ = " COMMUNITY MEMORIAL Admission Assessment "
Global Const NextCompanyCaption$ = " Community Memorial Admission Assessment "
Global Const pid1 = 777665555 '* Sample patient id numbers
Global Const pid2 = 888776666 '* Based on Social Security
Global Const pid3 = 555443333 '*
Global Const ALC_DEFAULT = 0
Global Const ALC_LCALPHA = 1
Global Const ALC_UCALPHA = 2
Global Const ALC_NUMERIC = 4
Global Const ALC_PUNC = 8
Global Const ALC_MATH = 16
Global Const ALC_MONETARY = 32
Global Const ALC_OTHER = 64
Global Const ALC_WHITE = 256
Global Const ALC_GESTURE = 16384
'Animated Button
'Cycle property
Global Const ANI_ANIMATED = 0
Global Const ANI_MULTISTATE = 1
Global Const ANI_TWO_STATE = 2
'Click Filter property
Global Const ANI_ANYWHERE = 0
Global Const ANI_IMAGE_AND_TEXT = 1
Global Const ANI_IMAGE = 2
Global Const ANI_TEXT = 3
'PicDrawMode Property
Global Const ANI_XPOS_YPOS = 0
Global Const ANI_AUTOSIZE = 1
Global Const ANI_STRETCH = 2
'SpecialOp Property
Global Const ANI_CLICK = 1
'TextPosition Property
Global Const ANI_CENTER = 0
Global Const ANI_LEFT = 1
Global Const ANI_RIGHT = 2
Global Const ANI_BOTTON = 3
Global Const ANI_TOP = 4
'MDI Child Window Control
Global Const MDI_CASCADE = 1
Global Const MDI_TILE = 2